If Mohammed were alive today, what kind of car would he drive?
I'm not being funny ... this is the report Megan is supposed to write for her social studies class. So, what do you think?
I think the class is ridiculous and a waste of an hour of valuable school time. A week or so ago the class had to draw posters of ways to save the world from global warming. I can deal with that even though my thoughts on global warming are that many of the causes are natural and not man-made. The problem was that the teacher prefaced the project with "I didn't know what to believe about global warming until I saw Al Gore's movie."
I didn't believe in aliens until I saw Chicken Little. UGH!
This woman is a teacher!
Anyway, I think Mohammed would drive whatever he stole from Jesus. That's just my opinion.
Next subject --- I got a bra "professionally" fitted yesterday. I thought it would be a good idea since I've been losing weight. This tiny asian woman put 7 bras on me -- personally.
I guess it wouldn't have been weird if we weren't in the Olive Garden ladies room.