Wednesday, November 14, 2007


OK. I can't take this writer's strike any more! No, it's not affecting my TV watching. It's just stupid!

If I hire a painter to put a mural on my living room wall and pay him well, is he entitled to a percentage when I sell my house? If the mural is still there when the house is sold again ... another percentage?

The writers took no gamble on a show when the wrote it. The were paid --- sometimes in the six-figure range --- to do their JOB. The producers took the gamble. The producers put the money out in the hopes of making more. Then when the show hits the internet or on a mobile device, somehow the writer is owed more? Where was his gamble? He got paid for pete's sake!

So, I give Joe $60 and ask him to put $50 on the number 6 horse in the third race. He's gonna be at the track anyway and I can't make it. He gets to keep $10 for doing me this JOB. Then the horse hits it big. Does Joe get a percentage of the winnings? NO! It wasn't in our contract and he didn't really take the gamble, did he? If the horse was a looser would he give me back $5 of what I paid him?

Hollywood lunacy! The writers are fools and theives. The producers are crazy.

The writers will win .... just like they did in the 80s.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You better give Joe a cut from your winnings or he will tell you he forgot to play your horse and here is your F-in 60 buck. And it just so happens Joe won on the #6. Where was I going with this. What strike? Did you see that badazz truck on the super cool ME blog?

2:25 PM  

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