Sunday, September 03, 2006

Granted ... it must be my middle name

These are the needles that magically made it to my Watch-List on E-bay. Aparently I needed to buy these.

At 6 days out there were "only" $.99. It was a steal. I put my bid at $32. I took a guess at what a reasonable bid would be without research. Not a good idea 'cause I found them as "buy it now" for $26. I spent the week praying it wouldn't go over the $25 I should have topped my bid at.

Everyday she asks me if I checked the needles & did we win yet. Nary a word of who shall pay.

I did win the needles for $20 and some change. Then I paid. That's what I do. I am mis-taken for Granted all of the time. This is just one example.

I get list of things my kids need all of the time. I've gotten e-mails from a couple of them to remind me of cool things they "need." I did buy a money tree for the dining room. I don't think it's working yet.

On a side note ... Jesus Christ gave my son some pennies in a ziplock bag today at church. That's his story and he's stickin' to it. And I have nothing more to say about it.


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