Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Blind people smoke crack ...

Really ... they must. The local Business Journal has a story about it .

Battle brewing over Internet access
for blind Web surfers
In 1992, The Americans with Disabilities Act became law. The act provides "equal opportunity for individuals with disabilities in public accommodations, employment, transportation, state and local government services and telecommunications." But does the law apply to Web sites? At least one federal judge thinks it might, the National Federation of the Blind thinks it does, and at least one retail-giant, Target, thinks it doesn't.

The story goes on to say that a blind guy is mad because he thinks Target's website discriminates against blind people 'cause they can't use it. The NFB is taking the case to court and a judge heard the motion to dismiss but believes the case has merit.

So maybe the judge is smoking crack, too.

Are there websites that blind people do use? Couldn't he just get a friend to read him about what he wants to buy at Target? And even when he goes to the store, there aren't too many Braille labels out there, are there?

Maybe we should shut down the whole internet so this could be more fair to blind people or the computer illiterate.

We should wipe out music to be more sympathetic to deaf people.



Blogger L said...

Shut down the internet?
Are you crazy?
The internet serves a useful purpose for all people.

Online gambling and pornography.

Thank you Al Gore for inventing the internet!!!!!!!!

5:45 AM  

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